- IronHeart Foundation
Fall 2021
"Step It Up" ChallengeWalk, Hike, Run, Elliptical, Treadmill, Cycle, Swim, or whatever movement challenge you can create!
October 2nd and 3rd, 2021 Challenge Goal: Push your endurance by achieving as many active hours your way in a 48 hour period.
Note: An Active Hour = an hour in which you engage in your activity for at least 20 minutes.Participate!
1. Sign up.
2. Be active 20 minutes an hour for as many hours as you can in 48.
3. Share your progress with us.
4. Fundraise if you'd like
Follow challengers' progress. Show them your support in the Ironheart Connect Facebook group.
The Challenge!
Walk, Hike, Run, Elliptical, Treadmill, Cycle, Swim, or whatever movement challenge you can create indoors, or outdoors for at least 20 minutes an hour - for as many hours as you can in a 48 hour period!
Starting at 00:01 AM (your local time) Saturday, July 24th, 2021. (You can start later if you want)How it works:
Sign up for free below.
The clock starts ticking at midnight (your local time) on Saturday, October 2nd (you can start at any time though :).
Engage in your "Step It Up" activity for at least 20 minutes an hour for that hour to count as an "Active Hour". (NOTE: This is really the only "Rule").
Do this for as many hours as you see fit during the 48 hours (any of the hours) of the challenge. Take any hours off you want, it's your thing. (See a sample plan for your challenge below.)
Track it and share it as much or as little as you want. (Go on FB live, post on Instagram, tell us what you ate, how many miles you are at - what your heart rate is, etc... or just do it and don't check in at all if that makes you happy.) See the sharing resources below...
Fundraise! Share donation link with friends (if you want - it's not mandatory)... ask for a per mile, per active hour, flat donation, or whatever people are willing to donate. No donation is too small and we don't want to be number one anymore (Heart disease is the #1 killer of men and women in the world).
Why Step It Up?
Fight Heart Disease! We use physical movement and sport to transform, empower and positively impact lives that have been affected by heart disease.
1 in 3 people has heart disease. It’s the #1 killer of men and women in the world, claiming more lives than cancer, respiratory disease, diabetes, and accidents combined.
The #1 birth defect in the world is “defects of the heart.” Heart disease is an epidemic sweeping the globe. We don’t want to be #1.Fundraise...
Join the movement...
...by doing so, you will be providing funds that go directly to the Ironheart Scholarship Program designed for cardiac patients/students that seek higher education as a way of making a difference in the world. You don't have to have heart disease to participate. Friends, loved ones, and supporters make great fundraisers. Consider celebrating someone you love by raising money for a scholarship that will make an impact.
Ways to share your stepping it up...
Ironheart Connect Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ironheartconnect#Ironheartfoundation on Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/ironheartfoundation/Use these hashtags to have your posts show up in our groups
Donation links
Full campaign
Simple donation link
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I do any other activity not listed in the challenge?
A: Technically, yes. We promote health through sport and motion. So if you wanted to:Kayak
Pogo stick
Jump rope
Pull a sled in the snow
Cross country ski
YOU NAME IT, then do it! :)
Q: Can I share my Strava or other App workouts?
A: Yes - many people use an app like MapMyRun or Strava to track their activity - Share your stats, your progress like miles, minutes, active hours count, calories burned, heart rate etc.
...in the Ironheart Connect Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ironheartconnectQ: Is there a single place to post pics and videos?
A: Actually there are 2 places to post:
Instagram and Facebook here are the links
#Ironheartfoundation on Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/ironheartfoundation/Use these hashtags to have your posts show up in our groups
The Ironheart Connect Facebook Group
Q: What is the generic donation link to share with friends and colleagues?
A: There are two ways to share the link
1. Full campaign
2. Simple donation link
Q: How do I make my own fundraiser link so that donations go into this challenge?
A: Here is the link
Step It Up ChallengeRegister / Tell us about you...
The Ironheart Foundation and representatives strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program or fitness challenge.
The Ironheart Foundation and representatives are not a licensed medical care provider and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.
You should understand that when participating in any exercise, exercise program, or fitness/endurance challenge there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in these activities, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and are voluntarily participating in these activities.
You should also understand that you assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge The Ironheart Foundation and representatives from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising from choosing to participate in this challenge.
Challenge Sample Plan
You can do it your way... the only "rule" is that in each of your active hours, you engage in your event for at least 20 minutes...
All rights reserved by Heart Hike, the Ironheart Foundation and John Kolker © 2023